About Us

"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains!"

-Karl Marx

"Comrades of the kitchen unite; you have nothing to lose but your hunger!"

-Comrade Cafe

Mission Statement

We are the comrade cafe, and we believe in community, communal running of the establishment, and most of all, camaraderie. Come join our cooperative kitchen and share tasks to enjoy a hot meal.

  • Pay $3.00 for a bowl of soup OR wash 10 plates or bowls.
  • Pay $1.50 for a coffee OR clear 3 tables.
  • Pay $7.00 for a cutlet and mash potatoes OR wipe 3 tables
  • Pay $7.50 for cabbage rolls with beets or broom the kitchen floor.
  • Pay $10.00 for perogies with bacon or work in the kitchen (cleaning or prepping food)

At the end of the day, leftover food is delivered to local shelters.


Collect our Comrade Cafe Paraphernalia and swag! Hoodies for $20 OR introduce and bring 5 new people to Comrade Cade. Mug for $5 OR sweep or shovel the front steps (depending on the season). Comrade Shades for $15 OR can some food to preserve for the cafe.


Comrade Cafe is inspired by cooperative kitchens that sprouted throughout the world during the great depression era. The values of the comrade café resonate with communist ideals where classism would not interfere with one’s ability to have a hot meal. This ideology is reflected in the restaurant's logo and name.